A Saltshaker is a Big Mood

Links without icons are to my Bluesky and Fediverse accs!Now that I'm a bigger acc, I'm making this disclaimer. Follow ≠ endorse, I follow like 3k people, I'm not keeping track, I just hit follow on anyone posting anything interesting. AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, IF SAID PERSON IS ENGAGING IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, REPORT THEM TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. NOT ME. That is WAY above my paygrade. Related sidenote: Yes, I'm in forensics, but I keep my academic career separate from my personal blogs for a reason. I'm not here to analyse every possible criminal online; to engage in online pseudo-investigation; to speculate on evidence not presented by a lawyer; to publicly name or antagonise suspected criminals (this either could provoke an actual criminal or be defamatory); or in any other way act like the Internet is an actual courtroom. This is a hobby blog. I am not testifying at the Twitter Tribunal's Latest Trial (TM) for you.On with the bio:I talk about being "pro ship" a lot. What is that? Pro shipping is the belief in the ultimate freedom of artistic expression (especially for queer folks and trauma survivors such as myself), specifically in fandom. As such, this carrd exists as a broad warning and disclaimer about my discussion of these subjects.Links to my receipt albums, which show what pro shippers go through for this stance, and why I'd feel the need to create a blog to raise awareness about the topic:
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3 - NO SPECIFIC TWS (thanks imgur shitting the bed), ENTER AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION
Recommended further reading: Fancop-Receipts
Warnings and announcements:Possibly triggering discussions/art will show up on my blogs. I try to tag my posts with content warnings, but I cannot always guarantee this.Occasionally NSFW. I try to tag all NSFW posts I make, too. I only make NSFW text posts, I can't draw. I do like other people's NSFW art, but I rarely repost it. MDNI all NSFW-tagged posts, please.Discord invites are temporarily suspended for everyone except longtime moots. Sorry, guys!I get overwhelmed by DMs/asks often, I'm sorry if I don't reply for long stretches of time! On Twitter I tend to only accept DMs from people I follow for safety purposes. Sorry!Please be cautioned that I also discuss my forensic psychology major often. These include ethical, philosophical, scientific, and psychological perspectives on forensics and criminology as a whole. This subject matter is often disturbing, so please be advised. Additionally, this heavy content warning applies to fandom content on my blogs, as I explore my trauma through art. Expect art depicting triggering topics to be created, discussed, and reposted here.On my discourse accounts, I will discuss both opinions I disagree with, agree with, and some in between. Sometimes these opinions will come from the same person. If I interact with, follow, or debate someone, this is not an endorsement of their actions.With that said, here's my about page!:Hi! You can call me Mouse, or Thomas/Tom, if you'd rather. (My femme name is for close friends and family). 26yo Brit (Irish/Welsh primarily) first gen American immigrant, of Jewish descent (Sephardic, non-practicing), 100% exhausted. My "antis-delete-your-blogs-pls" accounts are primarily for fandom discourse and secondarily political discourse, and are dedicated to discussing my beliefs in freedom of artistic expression and anti-authoritarianism. I run them to share studies and research that can combat reactionary movements and bigoted beliefs. My Twitter is also occasionally used as a personal blog, as well.In terms of discourse: I am pro ship, aka pro freedom of expression in art (specifically fandom). I am against all forms of authoritarianism, so real life political issues relating to this will also be discussed. I am against queer exclusionists (such as radfems), reactionaries, anti-kink and anti-sex puritans, religious fundamentalists, bigots, rightwing extremists, and anyone else seeking to oppress individual freedoms and human rights. I myself am a pacifist who supports peaceful forms of revolution and liberation, but I believe strongly in the right to self-defence if it becomes necessary. Because I am anti-authoritarian and a pacifist, I believe in rehabilative justice rather than punitive justice, and want heavy reforms for the justice system in the US. Criminals have human rights and should be treated as such. The goal of prison is to protect society from danger, not torture the incarcerated. Prisoners should be in rehabilitation treatment programs until they no longer pose any danger. Only those who continuously cannot achieve this deserve life sentences.Because of my experiences with being neurodivergent and having to deal with ableism, I'm also firmly against cringe culture. I support any and all things people label as "cringy", including (but not limited to): otherkin, fictives, self-insert ships, comfort characters, furries, whatever else the internet thinks it's fun to hate on next.Essentially, I am libleft politically, aka solidly on the green square of the political compass.As for my educational background:
I am a tired forensic psych major who specialises in studying criminal rehabilitation. I'm stuck in part-time academia hell until I can safely attend (thanks, COVID) certain prereq classes and graduate, but my ultimate goal is an eventual doctorate.
A little history:
I started discoursing on Tumblr in 2016-ish, and made the now-purged original blog antis-delete-your-blogs-pls in 2017. I've since moved around a few blogs, but you can find me at the links in the sidebar to the left of you!
I have been in fandom hell since 2011, so you can find me fanning across many different series and mediums. My favourites usually have to do with sci-fi, horror, and mystery. Yes, I write a whole lot of fanfic! If you'd like to read my fics, feel free to check them out! Please heed the AO3 warnings.I take questions/comments at my Tumblr, or on my curiouscat.IDENTITY (because socmed loves trading in idpol):
I am bigender transmasc (any pronouns), poly, panromantic on the grey asexual/caedsexual spectrum, and identify as queer. (If you're here to call me a snowflake, go ahead, these specific labels are shorthand for YOUR benefit lmao).
I am also neurodivergent. GAD, OCD, ADHD, ASD, and depression are professional diagnoses. (I also have CPTSD, but since it's not diagnosable in the US, I cannot get a professional DX). I am an emotional abuse, psychological abuse, and sexual coercion survivor.
I am disclosing the above in detail, despite not owing anyone an explanation, because I am comfortable being open about my experiences as a marginalised person, my abuse, and my struggles in order to spread awareness. But if you try to get other discoursers to reveal their personal identities/trauma/mental health issues to you in order to "validate" whether they're "allowed" to express certain things/make certain art, fuck you. We don't owe you shit.I don't really have any DNIs (please reserve your own judgement on whether you'd like to interact with my content), so this is basically my RBF. I've been doing this so long, nothing shocks me anymore. I'm tired, mfs. You will get a block if you spam me with calls for violence, with gore or gross-out content, etc. Forensics major ≠ willing to see your discount shock site bullshit.